Friday, December 25, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Christmas Mystery

Friday, November 20, 2009
Brown Bag 2nd Part
Brown Bag Reveal
Yesterday evening my quilt guild, the PQs, had their annual Brown Bag reveal. It works like this: earlier in the year, ladies participating brought 3 fat quarters of quilting fabric to a meeting, in a small brown paper bag (a lunch bag in the US). These are then swapped, with no one knowing whose fabric they have. Then we all have to make a finished quilted item with the fabrics, and we can add other fabrics as we wish. Several months later, we have a special meeting (yesterday with lots of desserts) and the finished quilts are presented and returned to their original owners - it is always fun because most of us no longer recognize the fat quarters we turned in !
Here are some photos of the finished pieces, they were all gorgeous. In a separate post I will show what I made and what I received !
Gestern abend hatte unser Quiltverein das alljaehrliche Brown Bag Treffen. Vor einigen Monaten haben wir 3 FQs in einem braunen Papiersack getauscht, ohne zu wissen, von wem der Stoff war. Wir muessen dann ein Quilt daraus machen, man kann auch andere Stoffe dazutun. Einige Monate spaeter treffen wir uns dann (gestern mit Nachtisch) und die fertigen Quilts werden gezeigt und gehen mit der urspruenglichen Besitzerin nach Hause. Es macht immer Spass, weil wir fast alle unsere Stoffe nicht mehr wiedererkennen.
Hier sind einige Bilder davon, alle waren sehr schoen. In einem getrennten Post zeige ich dann was ich gemacht habe, und was ich bekam.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Pink and Brown Scrap
BUT the pile of fabrics never got any smaller ! I have pieced about half of the quilt which will be a twin size approx., but I seem to have more fabrics than when I started - are they breeding in the closet ??? SO, of course I will have to make another quilt using those scraps, I have an idea for a great Jo Morton pattern, where I can use up the rest of the pinks and even have an applique center - but who knows how much fabric will be left over if I do that !
Monday, October 19, 2009
Fascinating France
Just had to show you a few pictures from our vacation in France. We started out in Paris, went on to Gascony, then spent a week in Provence. We were lucky to have wonderful, late summer weather (even in October) and enjoyed every day outside walking, sightseeing and eating, of course !
Hier einige Bilder von unserem Frankreich-Urlaub. Von Paris bis Gers, und dann eine Woche Provence. Wir hatten unglaubliches Glueck mit dem Wetter, es war jeden Tag warm und trocken, und wir konnten draussen sein, viel laufen, alles Moegliche sehen, und selbstverstaendlich auch gut essen.
Voici quelques photos de nos vacances, de Paris, au Gers et puis en Provence. Il y avait un temps parfait, chaud et comme en ete.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Procrastinating Quilters Guild Show and Tell
For years I have been a member of the "PQs" here in Clearwater. Thursday we met for the first meeting after the summer, and everyone was encouraged to bring something they had been working on. Have a look at some of these pictures, the quilts are gorgeous ! I couldn't take pictures of them all, imagine twice as many like this, and you'll have some idea. I apologize for the picture quality - I am short and it's hard to see in a room full of people !!
Seit Jahren bin ich Mitglied bei den "PQs" in Clearwater. Am Donnerstag trafen wir uns zum ersten Mal nach der Sommerpause, und jede sollte ein fertiges Projekt mitbringen. Guckt Euch mal die Bilder an, die Quilts sind einfach wunderschoen. Ich konnte nicht alle fotographieren, man muss sich doppelt so viele vorstellen, um eine Idee zu haben. Es tut mir leid, dass die Bildqualitaet so schlecht ist - es liegt daran, dass ich so klein bin und der Raum war voller Leute !
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