Yesterday I went to my favorite quilt shop for the annual Christmas mystery, always the first Saturday in December for a number of years - I remember going to the first one, and I think I have only missed one other since. It is a great concept - there is a mystery designed by someone different from the shop each year, this year's was done by the lovely Pam (see her smiling face above top). We all take some food to share, and the shop provides sandwiches. I look forward to this as my treat for St Nicholas ! This year there was a choice of fabrics, either the blue and white, or the contemporary version, I chose contemporary and I LOVE it ! Aren't the poinsettias fabulous ? You cannot tell from the photos that the half square triangles are dimensional, and have to be folded back and stitched down to make a curve - that way, a small angel is formed in each of the corners. As usual, I have my photos back to front, so you see the end of the mystery first - Becky chose to make her decoration with the music to a Christmas carol, the black appliques are the words to the song (not cut out and appliqued yet), and of course the notes are correct ! Roni made hers with thread painting branches at the top, and stencilling snowflakes. So we were given a lot of inspiration to make our quilts individual. I did finish my top well in time, and now I have to get the poinsettia pattern enlarged so I can applique. We had a great time and are looking forward to next year !
I like poinsettias. they are very beautiful. It was a good day for you !
Tolle Fotos ! Ist es wirklich schon ein Jahr her ??
Das sieht nach viel Spass und Freude beim Quilten und Weihnachten feiern aus!
Wir treffen uns auch immer vor Weihnachten bei unserer ehemaligen Patchwork-Kursleiterin zum gemeinsamen Nähen und schlemmen....
Ich wuensche Dir eine schoene Adventszeit, liebe Gruesse, Monika
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