Sunday, August 2, 2009

More birthday .....

My friend knew that I have been looking for a particular kind of flowering tree since I saw one in France a couple of years ago ...... unfortunately, here in Florida it is considered a nuisance tree (I am talking about Albizia (mimosa), and we recently saw a small bush which looks similar. And lucky me, I was given it for my birthday ! It is the red puffy flower in the pictures. The others are just a few flowers from the garden, there is not much around at the moment, the heat and humidity here kills off most things in August.


stadtgarten said...

Schoene Bilder!
Da Dein Geburtstag ja anscheinend noch nicht so ganz lange her ist, darf ich ja sicher noch gratulieren!?
Ich wuensche Dir alles Gute fuer Dein neues Lebensjahr!
Liebe Gruesse, Monika

Lou said...

Superbes fleurs, la végétation de la Floride est fabuleuse ! C'est gentil de nous en faire profiter.

Sand and Sunshine said...

It looks like bottle brush? I've loved it since I saw it the first time in Tarpon a couple of years ago, but yours maybe is something different? I wouldn't have thought it a problem plant. Now the passion vine I loved until I planted it... hehehe