I thought I would tell you something about the Feather Princesses, an applique guild I am a proud member of. Although only in existence the last 2 years or so, the group has been so interesting and energizing for applique lovers. We even hosted the TAS show, Applique in Tampa Bay, in May of this year. Since I didn't have a blog then, I will show you some pictures of that show now. There were many absolutely fabulous quilts, and it certainly gave me some food for thought. There are many talented appliquers in this area, but I think that the show gave us some examples of wonderful quilting as well - definitely an area of improvement for me ! These pictures show a few of my absolute favorites, but there were many stunning quilts - I wonder how many hours of work were represented by all the quilts in the show ??
For those who don't know, there is a National Applique Society www.theappliquesociety.org which you have to be a member of before you can join a local chapter.